Curated by Aleksandra Cegielska
Dans le cadre de Kunsttage Basel
• PHYGITABLISM, Antre Peaux, Bourges, France
Invitation David Legrand
• Amour VI, Plateforme-Paris, France
Selection Laurent Quénéhen
• ECOTOPIE, Galerie BS, France
• CT 2022-V1, Plateforme-Paris, Paris.
Curator Matthieu Crimersmois
• Planète B ?, Galerie BS, 36 rue Réaumur, Paris.
Exposition Art Paris Environnement.
• Les Multiples : Journée Journiac, Galerie Michel Journiac, Université Sorbonne Paris 1.
Invitation Véronique Verstraete
Canceled and report events cause of the COVID-19
• Marc Plas at Film Gallery, novembre 2020 , Paris
• Galerie Michel Journiac, march 2020 , Paris
• Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, may 2020 , Nantes
• Plateforme Paris pour april 2020, , Paris
• kunsthallekleinbasel, june 2020 , Basel, Suisse
• Sample Music festival de Berlin, august 2020 , Berlin
• L'horizon des événements : Aponia espace d'art contemporain, Villiers-Sur-Marne.
Currator Frederic Mathevet
• Etat des Lieux : LaVallée, Bruxelles.
Currators Alexane Morin, Lucie Lebouder
• Intervention, sculpture sonore de l'artiste Michel Aubry à l'Ecole d'architecture de Belleville, Paris (19 octobre 2019)
• SALO VI, Salon du dessin érotique, Paris.
CurratorLaurent Quenehen.
• Matière Noire, Galerie Planète Rouge, Paris.
CurratorFrédéric Mathevet.
• Performance au Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux, dans le cadre de Extended score #2, L'autre musique.Invitation de Frederic Mathevet.
• SoloShow "#MACROSILLION - Gallery BS - Paris, France
Free showcase
• Duo, cannes de Sardaigne/platines, lors de l'exposition "Inferno" de l'artiste Michel Aubry, Galerie Eva Meyer, Paris.
• Performance "Shamanic Exude" with Frédéric Mathevet and Célio Paillard,
Center of Contemporary Art, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
• Performance "Shamanic Exude" with Frédéric Mathevet and Célio Paillard,
Petits Bains, Paris.
• Le Chant des Machines - Gallery BS - Paris, France
Curated by Nicolas Ferrand.
• LaMontagne - LaVallée Creative Center - Brussels-Capital, Belgium
Curated by Collectif LaMontagne.
• Limite(s) - Contemporary Art Center APONIA - Villiers-sur-Marne, France
Curated by Collectif Capteur d’Art.
• Onde Urbaine - Millefeuille - Nantes, France
Curated by Alexane Morin.
• Museum of Arts et Métiers, CNAM, Paris, France
"Shamanic Exude" with Frédéric Mathevet and Célio Paillard for "Corps dessinant", organized by Barbara Formis (Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne, CNRS)
• Gallery BS, Paris.
Performance in duo with Julien Langlois. Video-projected painting and MAO music. As part of the exhibition "Le chant des machines".
• Museum of Contemporary Art of Val de Marne (MAC VAL), Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Interpretation MIXGMV LIVE of the conference of Ghislain Mollet-Viéville, "Agent of art : Implication, communication, activation"; Project of Jérôme Poret sponsored by Jean-Batiste Farkas.
• Nantes in Quebec City - Galerie des Arts Visuel, Laval University - Quebec, Canada.
Quebec Biennial of contemporary art, collaboration with the Regional School of Fine Arts of Nantes and Université Laval.
• Museum of Art and Industry of Saint-Etienne (France).
New interpretation of "The 213 429th Part of the World", artwork of Michel Aubry.
Invitated by Michel Aubry for Fondation de France for the action "Les nouveaux commanditaires ».
• House of Ensembles, Paris, France
Organization of Performances and performance with Michel Aubry.
• Ateliers les réalisateurs, Nantes, France
Mix / Scratch in duo with Michel Aubry, for the launch of the catalog of resources: "APNE".
• L'onde au risque de ses images - APONIA Contemporary Art Center - Villiers-Sur-Marne, France
• IN THE MIST - The Film Gallery in collaboration with The Window - Paris, France
• SOLOSHOW AUDIOMOSAÏSME - Espace 29 - Bordeaux, France
Curated by Julien Minet, Boxon Record.
• Tissage Chalt Namy, Saint-Jean-En-Royan, France
Mixing for the Work of Michel Aubry, for "La 72 593e Partie du monde".
• Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette, France
Interpretation of the Work of Michel Aubry, for "The 213 429th Part of the World".
• 116, Center of Contemporary Art
"116 GAME MIX", Montreuil, France
• Gallery 22.48 m2, Paris (Belleville), France
"Zombie Machine Music # 2".
Invitation of Lucie Le Bouder.
• Festival "48 stunden Neuköln" LoopHole, Berlin, Germany
• Carte Blanche à l'autre Music, Theater Berthelot, Montreuil, France
• ICART PRIZE - Espace Pierre Cardin - Paris, France
• La Bellevilloise, Paris, France
Performing, drawing with turntables.
11th biennial congress of E.L.I.A. (European League of Institutes of the Arts)
• MotherShip Union - School of Architecture - Nantes, France
Curated by Michael Sellam
• "Soirée I.R.L.", Espace Mercœur, Paris, France
Invited by Laurent Carlier
• Real Presence - House of Legacy and Military Museum of Belgrade, Serbia
• Real Presence - IUAV di Venizia, Italia
• Mars Multimedia - Galerie des Franciscains - Saint-Nazaire, France
• Lieux Unique, Nantes, France
• Submarine base, Saint-Nazaire.
"Street Session"
• Femmes, femmes, femmes - Museum of Contemporary Art of Val-de-Marne - Vitry-sur-Seine, France
• + de reality - ERBAN Gallery - Nantes, France
• Lieux Unique, Nantes.
Assistant music director for the Operetta of Music Concrete, Rainier Lericolais.
• Art gallery Zoogalerie, Nantes.
"Collapse of the probability wave".
• "Scopitone" Festival, Digital Shelf, Nantes
Art Fair
• YIA (Young International Artist Art Fair) Carreau du Temple, Paris.
Stand, Gallery BS.
• YIA (Young International Artist Art Fair) # 5, Paris.
Stand, Gallery BS.
• Residence, Espace Khiasma as part of Platform. Creation of three sound devices.
Invitation of Frédéric Mathevet.
• Residence / Exhibition, Biennal of Contemporary Art in Quebec City. « Nantes à Quebec », Canada.
• Residence / Exhibition "Si proche lointain", Atelier Alain Lebras, Nantes
Realization of a sound installation, a diptych drawing / video, a sculpture in 3D printing.
Organized by the Rhézome collective.
• Residence / Exhibition at the Nantes Regional School of Fine Arts, as part of the Mothership Union exhibition; Project of the artist Michaël Sellam. Exhibition at the school of architecture of Nantes.
• Selected at the ICART price
• Exchange of the French Institute for the exchange Nantes-Quebec within the framework of Manif'd'art, exhibition at the Galerie d'Art Visuel of Laval University, Quebec, Canada.
• Pays-de-la-Loire Scholarship
CT-2022-V1, Capsule Temporelle, Plateforme, Paris // Du 2 au 18 décembre 2022
Avec les artistes :
Michel Aubry, Matthieu Crimersmois, David Guez, François Ronsiaux, Michaël Sellam
2017 - 2018
• Commissariat pour l'exposition #TurnUp3 / Extraction OFFSHORE
Galerie de la Voûte, Paris
Avec les artistes :
Lucie Le Bouder, Damien Caccia, Xavier Cormier, Joël Degbo, Elliot Gaillardon, Cécile Hadj-Hassan, Julien Langlois, Alexane Morin, Marianne Pradier, Dorian Bauer, Roman Eremchenko, Louise Kress
Performance : Emmanuelle Gibello Jérôme Poret, Frédéric Mathevet, Cécile Hadj-Hassan, Clémence Farkas.
• Curatoring pour l'exposition #TurnUp2
Galerie de la Voûte, Paris
Avec les artistes :
Michel Aubry, Lucie Le Bouder, Damien Caccia, Xavier Cormier, Joël Degbo, Cécile Hadj-Hassan, Julien Langlois, Alexane Morin et Marianne Pradier.
Performance : Jérôme Poret, Frédéric Mathevet, Karen Chessman, Cécile Hadj-Hassan, Clémence Farkas.
• Curatoring for the exhibition #TurnUpdanslagalerie.
With the artists:
Lucie Le Bouder, Damien Caccia, Xavier Cormier, Joel Degbo, Cécile Hadj-Hassan,
Julien Langlois, Nsani Mayala, Alexane Morin and Marianne Pradier.
• Organization of performance of Emmanuelle Gibello, Jérôme Poret in the framework of the SOLOSHOW #MACROSILLON.
• Organization of a series of performances for the exhibition "PLANK". House of Ensembles, Paris. With artists: Michel Aubry, L'Autre Musique (LAM).
With the collective Rhezome.
Press / Catalog / Book
• Book "L'art et la lettre", Audrey Dauxais, Published septembre 2022
Edition Citadelle & Mazenod.
• Book "L'art sonore. Le son dans les arts plastiques contemporains", Jean-Yves Bosseur. Published novembre 2020.
Editions Minerve, 2020.
• Catalog "L'horizon des évènements", Catalogue + CD
Edition Aponia centre d'art contemporain. Janvier 2020.
• Book "Paysage Industriel", Foundation of France : action Les Nouveaux Commanditaires.
Edition Les presses du réel, 2015.
• Book Philosophy and digital art - Un monde extraterrestre, Martine Bubb:
Editions L'Harmattan, April 2014.
• On the site Laboratoire L'autre Musique: category Noises; New writings of sound and music, 2014.
• Documentary: The VJing, an inarchivable practice? By Hélène Tafrihi-Pousset
In this film:
Laurent Carlier, Jacques-Emile Bertrand, Angie Eng, Pascal Battus, Matthieu Crimersmois, Giorgio Partesana and Duncan Pinhas are all VJ and / or musicians.
• Digital Review L’autre Musique #1 # 1, 2011
Organized by E.L.I.A. (European League of Institutes of the Arts), 2010
Photography : Black Sifichi
Matthieu Crimersmois
Matthieu Crimersmois is a French visual and sound artist, inventor, and graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (2009) and Concordia University in Montreal. He creates a representation of poetic imagination through his research on sound and imagery, incorporating elements from the real world and the aesthetics of DJing and turntablism. He is the inventor of the vinyl turntable drawing technique and of PHONOPTICS, which allows for the observation of turntable gestures and the creation of drawings or music scores. His work has been referenced in Jean-Yves Bosseur's book L'Art sonore - Le son dans les arts plastiques contemporains (Minerve, 2020) and Audrey Dauxais's art history book L'art et la lettre (Citadelles & Mazenod, 2022). Crimersmois has collaborated with Michel Aubry, Michael Sellam, Frederic MATHEVET, Jérome Poret, Véronique Verstraete, Marc Plas, David Legrand, David Guez, François Ronsiaux... and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, among others.